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- on exitFrame
- global waittime, layoutnum, changesplist, changelist, layoutseen
- set templist to changelist
- set a to random(9)
- if rollOver(15) then
- curcontrol(15)
- else
- if layoutseen = 1 then
- repeat with i = 10 to 12
- set the visible of sprite i to 0
- end repeat
- repeat while a = layoutnum
- set a to random(9)
- end repeat
- set layoutnum to a
- set layoutseen to 0
- else
- if a = layoutnum then
- judgelist()
- set changesplist to []
- repeat with i = 1 to random(2)
- set spnum to getAt(changelist, random(count(changelist)))
- deleteAt(changelist, getPos(changelist, spnum))
- add(changesplist, spnum)
- end repeat
- repeat with i = 1 to count(changesplist)
- set cname to the name of cast the castNum of sprite getAt(changesplist, i)
- set castname to char 1 of cname
- set num to judgename(castname)
- if (castname & num) = cname then
- set num to judgename(castname)
- end if
- repeat with t = 1 to count(templist)
- set aname to the name of cast the castNum of sprite getAt(templist, t)
- if (castname & num) = aname then
- set num to judgename(aname)
- end if
- end repeat
- set the castNum of sprite getAt(changesplist, i) to the number of member (castname & num)
- end repeat
- set layoutseen to 1
- go("wait")
- else
- repeat with i = 10 to 12
- set the visible of sprite i to 0
- end repeat
- set layoutnum to a
- set layoutseen to 0
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end